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Change Your Life In 365 Hours (The New Rich Focus On These Tasks Daily)

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You probably don't have 8-12 hours a day like the entrepreneurs you follow and love. You probably have 1 hour a day that you need to learn how to spend wisely.

One-Person Business Foundations (free): https://theone-personbusiness.com

Generate Infinite Creative Ideas (free): https://7daystogenius.com

13 Brand, Content, & Marketing Trainings (free): https://theone-personbusiness.com/#trainings

––– Paid Courses & Products –––

Writing & Content Course: https://2hourwriter.com

Marketing & Monetization Course: https://mentalmonetization.com/

My book: http://theartoffocusbook.com

My productivity planner: https://thedankoe.com/planner

Kortex, The Second Brain For Creators: https://kortex.co

The Writer's Bootcamp (early access to Kortex): https://bootcamp.kortex.co

––– More Content –––

The Koe Letter - the written version of this video: https://thedankoe.com/letters/you-can-drastically-change-your-life-in-365-days-the-new-way-to-get-rich/

Listen To The Koe Cast (same videos but in audio form): https://open.spotify.com/show/3lZRG3LCFZxKkQVSsCwoyN?si=012980a5fd694608

Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedankoe
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thedankoe
YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/DanKoeTalks
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/thedankoe

0:00 You Only Need 1 Hour A Day
10:08 The 3 Forms Of Leverage
10:36 Labor As Leverage
14:30 Capital As Leverage
15:50 Digital Products As Leverage
19:41 The Focused Work Routine Of The New Rich
19:56 Build When Psychic Entropy Is Low
23:13 Productivity & Creativity Blocks
24:54 The Levers Of The New Rich
27:39 Choose 2-3 Intersecting Interests As Your Niche
31:12 Build The Product You Want To See In The World

#MentalMonetization #CreatorEconomy #OnePersonBusiness #TheArtOfFocus

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